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My Story

Behind the Words


Ever since I was a little girl I have been obsessed with writing, be it creative, academic or otherwise. Consistently receiving praise for my unique style and voice, my writing talents had a profound impact upon my decision to study History at university.


Yet, my historical approach differed from a lot of my peers. My ability to approach history from different perspectives earned my a First Class Honours degree, as well as a spot on a Masters program studying War Studies. 


That choice changed my life. During my time on War Studies I decided that I wanted to move into the esports industry. Electing to write my dissertation of the implementation of L.A. Noire (the 2011 detective game) for historical teaching, I continued linking the historical analysis I learned at university with my love of video games. 


My employment with Espo, a tech-start up looking to transform the face of esports interaction, has allowed me to explore my creative potential, where I have churned out articles that stand out from the pack. I've attached several of these in my 'work' section, so check those out!


If you're interested in my work or hiring me to write for you, please don't hesitate to contact me - I love a good chat!

About Me: About Me
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